Ghost Hound

Ghost Hound (2007)


Taro, Makoto e Masayuki são três rapazes que vivem em Suiten, uma pequena cidade em uma região remota do norte de Kyushu. Cada um experimentou um trauma em sua infância que não pode apagar. Devido a isso, ou de outras razões, todos eles aprendem a travessia para o mundo invisível deslizando suas almas.

Kensho Ono

Kensho Ono

Tarō Komori (voice)
Akiko Yajima

Akiko Yajima

Miyako Komagusu (voice)
Jun Fukuyama

Jun Fukuyama

Masayuki Nakajima (voice)
Soichiro Hoshi

Soichiro Hoshi

Makoto Ōgami (voice)
Yasunori Matsumoto

Yasunori Matsumoto

Takahito Komagusa (voice)
Fumihiko Tachiki

Fumihiko Tachiki

Ryōya Komori (voice)
Sakiko Tamagawa

Sakiko Tamagawa

Miki Komori (voice)
Keisuke Oda

Keisuke Oda

Atsushi Hirata (voice)
Show Hayami

Show Hayami

Masato Kaibara (voice)
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1 - Lucid Dream

Tarou is having his usual dream of him flying around and then ends up in a room where he sees his sister, who doesnt wake up, however his dream ended when a girl spots him. Its the start of a new school term and there are more transfer students, with one very peculiar one, Masayuki Nakajima. Tarou ends up falling asleep in class and this time he begins to remember more of his traumatic experience, 11 years ago.

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2 - E.M.D.R. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

At school, Tarou is again approached by the new transfer student, Masayuki, when blunt asks him about his traumatic past. Masayuki then begins to dig into the events that occurred 11 years ago, when Tarou and his younger sister was kidnapped, meanwhile Tarou goes to check the shrine he saw in his dream but there something odd about it.

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3 - Phobia Exposure

Tarou is hanging out at Masayukis house, when Masayuki reveals to him that he has acrophobia (a fear of heights). Masayuki suggest to Tarou that he should go to the source of his fears, to expose himself to his phobia. Even after being told it is a bad idea, by his counsellor, Tarou still decides to go but Masayuki seems to have invited someone else.

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4 - Altered States of Consciousness

Tarou, Masayuki and Makoto are all at the Kameiwa Village abandoned hospital, to check out the place, for various reasons. The gang explore the place, in search of the cursed chamber and the place where Tarou was held and it isnt long before strange things start occurring.

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5 - O.B.E. Out of Body Experience

Following their out-of-body experience at the abandoned hospital, the three have been continuing on with their daily lives, as normal. Tarous counselor decides to visit his home, to meet his parents where he notices something weird about his mother. Later the guys have another out-of-body experience, into the unseen world.

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6 - Brain Homunculus

During their journey into the unseen world, Tarou and Masayuki stumble across a strange man whos able to see them. The next day Makoto goes through his late fathers belongings and Masayuki tries to expose himself to his greatest fear. While Tarou goes through the mountain in search of the same man he met the previous night.

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7 - L.T.P. - Long Term Potentiation

After returning to his body, Tarou has an accident and is rushed to the hospital and Tarou has another experience but it is different to his usual OBE. Masayuki later visit Tarou in hospital and they are joined by both Dr. Atsushi and Dr. Reika and they discuss various topics.

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8 - Revolution of Limbic System

Hirata goes over all he has found out about his patient Tourou. Then Tourou has another OBE where he sees strange creatures, he later on tells Hirata. But Hiratas conclusion is that they are things he is recalling from a book. But then as he is waiting for a taxi, something wierd happens to him. What could be? And could this change his opinion and conclusion about Tarou?

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9 - Existential Ghosts

At the place where Tourou was kidnapped some kids were cursed, they believe it was the man who kidnapped Tourou, they go and try to stop him but he puts up a fight, and Tourou changes into a wierd creature. Will they win against this ghost? What will happen to Tourou?

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10 - Affordance/T.F.T. -Thought Field Therapy-

In 2003, the phsycologists of Hertfordshire University, including Richard Wiseman assembled people in the concert hall in London. They had them listen to contemporary music, and meanwhile, they also played an etremely low-frequency noise using a seven-meter-long pipe. As a result, twenty-two percent of the audience reported that they experienced a strange feeling. Wiseman suggested that ghosts are hallucinations caused by such low-frequency noises. Can this theory be true?

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11 - Syntax Error

If, for example, a region contained a river and lands rich in nutrients, the region would afford good conditions for people to live. The concept of affordance says that an individual, by using his intuition, can find something that he wishes to acquire, but what kind of affordance is offered by the current world?

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12 - Homeostasis Synchronization

Miyakos dad is called to Miyakos school. Later, he meets and starts consulting with Hirata about Miyako. Hirata is starting to suspect that the area has something to do with the supernatural occurrences. Meanwhile Tarō sees Miyako being possessed first hand.

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13 - For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Tarō had a long OBE sequence where he sees Miyako in bed with fever and meets Snark in the Unseen World. He goes with Masayuki, Makoto and Michio to her house. When he mentions what Miyako said in her possessed state, her dad becomes afraid and tells them to leave. At the bottom of the shrine steps is Makotos grandmothers handmaiden.

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14 - Emergence Matrix

Miyakos dad takes her to Hirata for therapy and Miyako goes into her possessed state. On the way back to the shrine, the 4 boys, Miyako and her dad meet the Makotos grandmothers handmaiden. She grabs Miyako and says that Miyako is the next miko. Miyako goes into a trance again and Makoto getting angry curses his grandmother. He runs back to his house and finds the grandmother dead.

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15 - Toward an Abandoned City

Makoto and Tarō go to Kurata city for various reasons. They visit Keis house and Tarō apologizes to Kei for messing up the yeast brewery process. Masayuki and Michio catch Suzuki the reporter whose been snooping around. He was sent to investigate the bio research facility for industry leaks. While listening to Tarōs recorded dreams, Hirata goes through Tarōs experience in the hospital.

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16 - Hopeful Monster

At Kurata, Makoto and Tarō meet Makotos mother and he failed at killing her. Tarō recognizes Makotos mothers lover, Masato, as Snark. Meanwhile, Masayuki discovers spirits in the biotech research facility in an OBE. He sees his dad speaking with Reika about his research but then hes attacked by some spirit monsters called hopeful monsters by Reikas lab tech.

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17 - Implicate Order

The mountain wanderer, Saruta, notices that the spirits are afraid of something. He warns the shrine priest that there people out for Miyakos powers. Taro tells Miyako that he thinks that she is the reincarnation of his sister which really upsets her. Makoto still hasnt come back yet. Suzuki notices there is a suspicious group of men around the Ogami household.

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18 - Holographic Paradigm

Suzuki talks with his superior about the links with the Ogami religious group, child kidnappings, illegal organ donations with the biotech facility. Miyako meets the handmaiden and her dad was found bleeding on the shrine steps. The truth about Makotos fathers death and Tarōs kidnapping comes to light.

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19 - Negentropy

Makoto rescued his mom from the fire but her lover, Masato, died. She had just woken up from a coma but her memory has regressed. Miyakos father is in the ICU but she didnt recognize Masayuki and Tarō. Kei reminisces about Masato and how she loved him from afar. Makoto reconciled with his mother.

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20 - Shaman;s District

The Ogami religious group is allowed to have care of Miyako. Biotech research has been published ahead in other countries ahead of Masayukis dads research. Makoto talk with Suzuki and find links with the Ogami group with an underground group. Tarō goes to the Unseen World to find Miyakos dad. Reikas tech made mutants using Masayukis dads research and released them in the dam. People are coming down from the mountain to the Ogami house.

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21 - Stochastic Resonance

Makoto is staying at Tarōs house and his dad gave Makoto the guitar that was originally Makotos dads. Miyakos dad wakes up but he was threatened. Hirata and Reika Senseis meet up with the 4 kids, investigator Suzuki and Saruta at the shrine. Tarō vows to save Miyako.

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22 - Passage

Makoto and Masayuki help devise a plan to allow Taro to enter the shrine where Miyako is being held as the leader of the Ogami religious group. Only women and girls are allowed to enter, so the boys plan on dressing Taro up as a young female so that he may enter and rescue Miyako. Hirata and Reika also assist in carrying out the plan.