Sem Sangue
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Sem Sangue (2024)


Jayu é a CEO da BF e, embora receba ameaças de morte, segue expandindo o negócio. Com as ameaças, a BF contrata Chaewoon, um ex-policial comissionado, para protegê-la. Estranhamente, ele resolve facilmente os problemas que Jayu enfrenta, e, logo, segredos e suspeitas começam a se espalhar pela BF.

Ju Ji-hoon

Ju Ji-hoon

Woo Chae-woon
Han Hyo-joo

Han Hyo-joo

Yoon Ja-yu
Lee Hee-jun

Lee Hee-jun

Seon Woo-jae
Lee Moo-saeng

Lee Moo-saeng

On San
Jun Suk-ho

Jun Suk-ho

Seo Hee
Park Ji-yeon

Park Ji-yeon

Jung Hae-deun
Kim Sang-ho

Kim Sang-ho

Kim Sin-goo
Yi Seo

Yi Seo

Hong Sae-ip
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Sem Sangue11

1 - Episódio 1

It is Christmas Eve of 2025. BF showcases their new product. Everyone praises Jayu, the CEO, but the primary industry suffers because of BF. Two other incidents occur on the same day. A stockbreeder falls on Jayus vehicle...

Sem Sangue12

2 - Episódio 2

Chaewoon becomes Jayus bodyguard. They attempt to fix the hacking but realize governmental power is needed. Jayu asks Seonu Jae, the prime minister, for help. A BF chief researcher gets in a car accident. Jayu suspects these incidents are related, and Chaewoon finds something suspicious about the hacking.

Sem Sangue13

3 - Episódio 3

It is suspected that the hacking could have been an inside job. Could the culprit be nearby? Ja Yu digs into Chae Woons past. She finds out that he was present alongside her during the terrorist attack that involved the president a few years ago.

Sem Sangue14

4 - Episódio 4

Seon U Geun, the chairman of DORSON Group and Seon U Jaes biological father, suggests that Ja Yu sells her cultured meat technology to him. Meanwhile, the hacker is found dead. Ja Yu is suspected of being responsible and she even receives death threats.

Sem Sangue15

5 - Episódio 5

In a life-and-death situation, Chaewoon is moved to a hidden laboratory in BFs basement.

Sem Sangue16

6 - Episódio 6

Just when Chaewoon thinks he found a lead, he faces with an even bigger tragedy.

Sem Sangue17

7 - Episódio 7

The police suspect Chaewoon and arrest him. Seonu Jae takes interest in Chaewoon.

Sem Sangue18

8 - Episódio 8

In order to unveil the spys identity, Chaewoon reveals the real reason why he joined BF.

Sem Sangue19

9 - Episódio 9

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Sem Sangue110

10 - Episódio 10

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