Tanques de Guerra: Mobilidade Mortal
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Tanques de Guerra: Mobilidade Mortal (2017)


Esta série documental retrata, em detalhes, a história dos tanques militares e seu papel geopolítico desde a Primeira Guerra Mundial até o século XXI.

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Tanques de Guerra: Mobilidade Mortal11

1 - Iron, Iron, Everywhere

An outline of the first tanks build by the English, Germans and French and shows that the original idea for an armored vehicle was from a man from Austria.

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2 - Blitzkrieg

Out of the ashes of WWI, Germany secretly develops the panzer, a tank equipped with advanced communication capabilities.

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3 - A World in Chains

As the Cold War grips the world, tanks are increasingly used to stamp out civil uprisings, turning the armored vehicle into a symbol of oppression.

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4 - Twilight of the Tanks

In a new era of warfare, the once-invincible tank progressively becomes a dangerous, vulnerable and costly liability.